
Report Website

Report Scam Proposal

Latest Reports

Domain Reason Status
axvdex.dev Drained my osmosis liquidity pools Fraudulent
Republic.com The people at Republic.comcollaborated with Elys Network for the presale. I transferred 550€ from my Metamask wallet to the Republic.comaccount. The transaction was successful, they sent me the confirmation email, and everything was fine. When the presa No fraud detected
evmdebugger.pages.dev scam, drains wallet on connect Fraudulent
astrovault.io Drained my staked atom. Drained nibiru No fraud detected
Astrovault.zone Drained my staked atom and token in Osmosis as well . Fraudulent
corefusionlabs.pages.dev scam and theft of keplr wallet when link didnt work and asked to add manually Fraudulent
node-repair-hub.pages.dev Crypto drainer | Evidence: https://i.postimg.cc/sg3vC938/drainevidence.png Fraudulent
portalsyncpro.com site asks for your seed phrase - here is the malicious link https://app.portalsyncpro.com/connect.html Fraudulent
bayorslotmistic.com scam and theft Fraudulent
hunterdouglas.com.br Content on - rolo-etherea.hunterdouglas.com.br/dappssystem/ - malicious signing, attempts to steal funds Fraudulent

Press the Domain name to see the according whois record

About the Cosmoshield Scam Blacklist

The Scam Blacklist contains all fraudulent websites that have been detected through our monitoring or by user reports. The blacklist itself is updated multiple times a week and syncronised with the Keplr Phishing block list. The Keplr Phishing black list is a joint effort between Chainapsis and Cosmoshield to prevent scams before they happen.

If you want to integrate the Blacklist into your project you can do so by using the github repository or our API which comes with more features like a search and pagination. If you need a custom solution feel free to reach out to us and we'll do our best to help you.

Hacked wallet recovery

A hacked cryptocurrency wallet puts the victim in a bad situation. But as long as the coins didn't leave the wallet (for instance because of a unbonding period) they aren't lost and there might be a chance to get them back through a recovery.

To achieve this we've developed a script which submits transactions to the blockchain very fast in order to beat the scammer.

You can contact us at any time through the contact site to get helped with your hacked wallet.